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 Written By: 
 Tom Liesegang 
america first
New Art Brut Co-Founders:  
Tom Liesegang
As an artist for over 35 years, much of my work has been a reaction to confronting issues of war, death, politics, religious persecution, and sexuality...
 Whitney Klare 
Graduating from Hampshire College in 2015, Whitney Klare has been working with artists around the country, encouraging them to unify under NAB...



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nab manifesto
 Written By: 
 Tom Liesegang 

Art Brut (raw art or rough art) is a term coined by the French artist Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985).  It has become synonymous with the term “outsider art,” a marketing label used to describe art that is not created within the boundaries of official culture. But what is “official” culture?  And what is Art Brut in the context of today?


Art Brut needs to be redefined to reflect the present global culture: a culture under siege by geo-political violence, upheaval, uncertainty, and fear. Continuous war, terrorism, and political corruption are now the norm. A new artistic genre is needed to collectively reflect the increasing feelings and experiences of brutality across the world.  We call it “New Art Brut” (NAB).


NAB screams “NO” to ignorance, injustice and racism.  “NO” to the destruction of the environment. “NO” to unjust incarceration and corrupt political systems. NAB is a reaction against the black leather boot, riot gear, tear gas, and intimidation.


NAB is global and unpretentious.  It is the voice of the oppressed, the poor, and the forgotten. NAB calls on artists worldwide to engage in dialog and activism  through the collective effort that is NAB. Portraying and calling out injustice will be the foundation on which NAB is built.  


NAB brings into focus what our minds don’t wish to see. 

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